22 abr 2013

Rangel warns of new U.S. reports to interfere in internal affairs of the country

Venezuela qualified as "extreme threat"
AVN / RNV Web Press  
Lunes, 22 de Abril de 2013 10:37
The journalist claims that the intelligence community of the United States, in connection with the Venezuelan opposition, would generate false positives with the purpose "to internationally validate the thesis of an outlaw state or narco state"

Institutions of the Government of the United States work in a series of reports that could give to this nation new elements to interfere in the internal affairs of Venezuela, as warned on Sunday the journalist José Vicente Rangel, in his program broadcast by Televen.

Rangel, who was Defense Minister of Venezuela, said that through mixed sources had access to activities and recent documents "that would facilitate the interference (by the United States) in the country's internal affairs."

He recalled that that these elements are the basis for developing onslaughts against nations. An example of this are the invasions recently performed by the U.S. in Syria, and already made in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.

The intelligence community of the United States is working on reports based on the following topics: geopolitics, sovereignty and independence. On the first point they argue that the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean is the beginning of an alliance that by 2030 will have similar characteristics to that of the European Union, which is perceived as a potential threat to the United States, because of its geographical proximity and its energy resources.

Rangel indicates that the intelligence community makes prosecutorial analysis of the world for the next 20 years and focuses on the loss of economic hegemony of the United States that, with the emergence of China, gives rise to other conflicts in replacement of "Islamic terrorism or cyberterrorism ".

For its part, the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies teaches an introductory course based on a biased analysis it makes on Venezuela.

The course refers to the "threat" that President Hugo Chavez represented while alive. They make characterizations of the Bolivarian Revolution and focus on the relationship of the political process with the governments of Bolivia, Iran, Russia and China, also considered threats to the United States.

They analyze "terrorist groups" as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), Hamas, and Hezbollah.

They likewise link, without evidences, the Government led by Commander Chavez, with drug trafficking.

Rangel said it is important to alert the country on these false and reckless considerations on Venezuela, because "imperial aggressions begin by the making of intelligence agencies reports that do not stand up to scrutiny, but lay the foundations for future actions," he warned.

He said this intelligence center, in connection with the irresponsible opposition in the country, could generate false positives in order "to validate the international thesis of an outlaw state or narco-state".

The alert made by Rangel is confirmed by the "extreme threat" rating that the Center for Counterintelligence and Security Studies of the United States makes on Venezuela.

"It imposes to activate the intelligence and counterintelligence system provided for in the Organic Law of Security of the nation to develop relevant strategies for coping and neutralize threats," he concluded.